40+ Modern Tiny House Design Ideas

Living in a tiny house is not a big deal. Well, you can make your small house as the best masterpiece you have. It is because you can use some hacks about house design ideas for modern design. Other than that, it is great if you can make your tiny house has a simple yet effective interior design that can increase the comfort.

Let us start from the kitchen. It is a place for you to start your work hard. Yes, it is okay to have a small kitchen. But, the main key to have an effective yet comfortable kitchen is how you can plan everything very well. It is about the things you should do so you can do everything here smoothly. For example, you need to make sure that the kitchen in your tiny house design ideas makes you able to do the cooking, food preparation, dishwashing, or even coffee making.

Second, it is good to know that all of tiny house design ideas need coffee. Therefore, it is a must for you to complete your tiny house design with a cup of coffee. It is what you need you can make coffee anytime by using a French press. It makes your life feels easier and simpler than ever.

Next, the vintage drawer organizer is what you need. Make sure that your kitchen has this one. You can install the vintage drawer to organize your stuff. Storage solutions are the best way to organize your things. You can use it and install it over the sink. After that, you can use the space for storing sponges and soaps above your countertops. Make sure that you seal the wood so there is no water damage. If you need more inspirations, it is better to check our gallery of house design ideas.

image source : pinterest.com